RIIZE’s first reality show, “BOSS RIIZE,” will feature the members embarking on a two-day trip to Gangneung and Yangyang in Gangwon Province. Throughout the show, they will compete in various missions to earn voting ballots, which will be used to elect a powerful leader who can give orders to the rest of the group. The teaser introduces each member, showcasing their individual strengths and personalities. Shotaro exudes enthusiasm but struggles in games, while Eunseok plans to strategize and form alliances to become the final boss. Sungchan displays physical strength by day but shows a cute side when facing a horror mission at night. Wonbin starts off innocently but transforms after a betrayal, while Sohee navigates his first variety show with a sense of humor. Lastly, Anton is seen working diligently and dreams of becoming “boss Anton.” “BOSS RIIZE” premieres on August 28 and can be watched on Viki. Check out the full character teaser for a sneak peek of the show!