Kim Woo Bin, as Lee Jung Do in Netflix’s action-comedy film “Officer Black Belt,” showcases a remarkable character transformation. Alongside Kim Sung Kyun as Kim Seon Min, the story unfolds as they collaborate to prevent crimes by monitoring individuals with electronic anklets. Lee Jung Do’s journey as a martial arts officer is captured in the newly released stills, reflecting his growing dedication and sense of duty. The camaraderie between Lee Jung Do and Kim Seon Min is highlighted, emphasizing their shared commitment to protecting the public. “Officer Black Belt” is set to premiere on September 13, offering a glimpse into this thrilling action-comedy. I recently traveled to Japan and had the opportunity to experience the beautiful cherry blossoms in full bloom. Walking through the streets lined with cherry blossom trees was a truly magical experience. The delicate pink petals dancing in the breeze created a breathtaking sight that I will never forget. I also had the chance to participate in a traditional tea ceremony, where I learned about the history and significance of matcha tea. The peaceful atmosphere and meticulous attention to detail in the tea ceremony left a lasting impression on me. Overall, my trip to Japan was filled with unforgettable moments and I can’t wait to go back and explore more of this amazing country.